Friday, 25 September 2009

My new book!

What do we eat for? Is it pleasure or self-preservation? Well, I can honestly say that I believe that good, home-cooked and home-prepared food, infused with my own energy is infinitely more tasty, sustaining and ultimately life-giving that any shop-bought ready-meal. Just take a moment next time you sit down to eat to become aware of how your food feels to you. After a while, you will become aware that there are different levels of sustenance. I used to think that I was just fussy, but now I realize that I yearn for my own food, not from being pernickety or fussy, but because my own food has an energy unlike any other. It nourishes me in a way that my soul needs and my body cries out for.

In my new book, 'Food for the Soul', and for our fast-paced lives, you will find energy-giving, simple and most of all delicious recipes. The all work, which is more than some cookbooks can claim. They are pretty, impressive and with one or two exceptions, ready in around thirty minutes; not a lot of time to spend on your body's health and vitality!

This is the introduction of my new book. It is crammed full of lovely, lovely recipes and a lot of joy and enthusiasm for sustaining ourselves in these uncertain and confusing times.

Let go of fear and allow yourself to nourish your body as your intuition guides you. You will find that you feel better, have more energy and generally become more motivated and clear about what to do in your life. Combine that with some daily meditation or contemplation time and you are all set to create the life of your dreams!