A spring picture to brighten your day!
I have been rushed off my feet since half-term (when my children didn't seem to stop bickering), SOOOOO tired, and with no time in the day it seems! Are days getting shorter or something?
Anyway, I find it hard to be inspired cooking-wise during times like these and I struggle to get enough veg into myself, let alone everyone else!
So, what have I been cooking? Try these store-cupboard easy meals:
Beans on Toast
Always a winner! Nutritious and filling, we serve it with a knob of butter on the top and some grated cheese on the side. And I always want a cup of tea to go with it!
Sausages and chips
Easy peasy to make your own oven chips. Take about one large potato per person, peel (I don't always) and slice into chips. Dry in a tea-towel and toss in some oil and seasoning, and a little paprika and bake at 200 degrees for about 35 minutes. I always like to maximise the use of the oven so I often roast some butternut squash, wedges of onion and sweet potato slices.
The sausages you can cook in the oven at the same time, according to the label on the packet.
Tonight we had tuna steaks and chips, with a green salad and some fried onions, mushrooms, peppers and tomatoes.
Toasted Cheese Sandwiches
Try the toaster pockets from Lakeland. Butter both sides of the bread, then fill with grated cheese, ham, pickle, mango chutney, and whatever else you like - brie and cranberry sauce perhaps. Costa does a tuna melt and I have perfected the taste: tuna with mayonnaise, a small amount of grated onion, some grated cheddar and some mozzarella, and seasoning.
Slide the sandwiches into the pockets and toast for about 2 minutes until oozing with cheese and golden brown.
Have fun!
Good bolg.